Friday, April 3, 2009

como te taunt::::::BARACK OBAMA!

yesterday the castle and CP Murray land (an amazingly cute & honorable town), today our Pres. Barack Obama spoke to us. it was amazing, the kids were amazing and very well dressed. we have been on the french news numerous times, and on wect in wilmington. we have 5 seniors with us who do a great job of speaking to the media. i never in my life time thought i would be in the samez room as the president of the united states of ameria. i have to say regardless of your poliitical views, meeting the charismqtic man we call the pres............was a chance in a life time. we would now like to organize a town hall with him in wilmington with our students and chat (if you will) with him. last night it took us an hour and 10 minutes to walk home from school (which nomally takes 5) because of the barricades. we made the best of it and im happy all the security measures were taken so all of Strasburg would be safe. today is kelli kidwells bday and we go out tonight to celebrate! i saved her a front row seat with Obama for her bday today. the students gave some euros as well and we purchased her an excellent Brazilian dinner and a beautiful braclet like the one that the St. E students gave their wonderful teacher (caroline) for her bday thurs. (please excuse all mistakes i have french on the brain and a crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy keyboard). i am now staying with michelle because of the security zones, so i will keep up with my blog as much as possible while i stay here. au revior

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